
Measuring the muon magnetic anomaly with the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab @ on-line
Apr 27@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Seminario Colloquium – Dr. Marco Incagli (INFN Pisa)

The recently published result by the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment on the muon anomaly a_mu, based on the first dataset collected in Spring 2018, confirms the discrepancy of the observed value from the currently Standard Model prediction, reaching 4.2 standard deviations. The data already collected, and currently under analysis, will half the current uncertainty, while the full dataset, including the run programmed to be concluded in June 2022, will reduce the error by a factor of 4, thus potentially allow for a discovery of new physics beyond the Standard Model.
After a historical introduction, the experiment will be reviewed, discussing the critical issues of the first set of data and how they have been addressed in view of the high statistics Runs.
Recent theoretical developments will be also presented.

Per partecipare: gruppo Teams Università di Genova numero 1npbr0h (se si possiede un account Teams Unige, si può accedere con il codice. Se invece si possiede solo un account Teams INFN, scrivere a per essere aggiunti come ospiti).

Broken translation invariance for fluids in external magnetic fields @ on-line
Apr 28@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Seminario di Fisica Teorica – Dr. Daniel Brattan (Genova Univ.)

I will review our recent works concerning a large class of systems with spontaneous, pseudo-spontaneous and explicitly broken translation invariance in the presence of an external magnetic field. In particular I will show how the Ward identities constrain the transport coefficients of hydrodynamics. We will discuss a holographic realisation of these analytic results and place them in the wider context of the quasi-hydrodynamic programme.

Per partecipare: gruppo Teams Università di Genova numero 1npbr0h (se si possiede un account Teams Unige, si può accedere con il codice. Se invece si possiede solo un account Teams INFN, scrivere a per essere aggiunti come ospiti).

CDS @ on-line
Mag 3@2:00 pm–3:00 pm

Consiglio di Sezione – Consuntivi

Ordine del Giorno:
1) Comunicazioni del Direttore dal Consiglio Direttivo
2) Presentazioni dei consuntivi da parte dei Coordinatori
3) Politica pubblicazioni Open Access (intervento di Andrea Chincarini)
2) Varie ed eventuali

Holographic correlators in AdS_3 @ on-line
Mag 5@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Seminario di Fisica Teorica – Dr. Stefano Giusto (Genova Univ.)

I will review recent results on the computation of correlators in the strongly coupled CFT holographically dual to AdS$_3times S^3$ in the limit of large central charge. The derivation of the correlators bypasses the standard technique based on Witten diagrams and uses the geometry dual to coherent multi-particle states. I will also discuss various properties of the correlators: their Regge limit, their OPE analysis and a surprising 6D conformal symmetry that constrains the correlators.

Per partecipare: gruppo Teams Università di Genova numero 1npbr0h (se si possiede un account Teams Unige, si può accedere con il codice. Se invece si possiede solo un account Teams INFN, scrivere a per essere aggiunti come ospiti).

Turbulent hydrodynamics in strongly correlated Kagome materials @ on-line
Mag 12@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Seminario di Fisica Teorica – Dr. Ioannis Mattheakakis (Wurzburg Univ.)

In recent years a lot of interest has been directed towards realizing strongly-coupled electronic fluids. This interest is partly because a stronger coupling enables the transition to the hydrodynamic regime and partly because of the novel transport phenomena such a fluid promises. Strongly-coupled fluids are also a natural and fertile ground for testing and refining our understanding of AdS/CFT and holography in general. In this talk, I will first show that Kagome materials with a relativistic spectrum are a compelling platform for realizing strongly-coupled fluids. Then, I will employ holography to estimate their ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density. With that estimate at hand, I will finally argue that strongly-coupled Kagome fluids put for the first time non-linear hydrodynamic phenomena such as turbulence within experimental reach.

Per partecipare: collegarsi al meeting Zoom

Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271

The legacy of HL-LHC for the Standard Model EFT @ on-line
Mag 19@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Seminario di Fenomenologia – Dr. Riccardo Torre (INFN Sezione di Genova)

The LHC and HL-LHC physics program is not even half-way and the absence of new physics signals claims for a strategy to build what will be the HL-LHC legacy in terms of new physics searches. The lack of signals of light new physics have put the model independent Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach forefront in looking for deviations of observables from their Standard Model predictions. There are mainly three directions in which the EFT program is meeting precision and is expanding its potentials: on-shell Higgs measurements, low energy observables (flavor), and high energy precision. These three are generally described by different sectors of the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT): schematically, Higgs on-shell observables correspond to Higher Dimensional Operators (HDO) involving additional Higgs fields, flavor observables to SMEFT operators at scales well below the EW gauge boson masses (both flavor violating and flavor conserving), while high energy observables correspond to similar operators at scales much above the EW gauge boson masses. Obviously, exploiting the interplay of the three, and combining their information, becomes crucial in building an overall picture.
In this talk I will introduce the three directions highlighted above and then focus on the third: high energy precision. I will introduce the concept of BSM measurements (to be contrasted with SM measurements and BSM searches) and try to motivate why, in my view, this will be the crucial step needed to build what could become the HL-LHC legacy.

Per partecipare: collegarsi al meeting Zoom

Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271

Semiclassical gravity and evaporation of dynamical black holes sourced by the quantum trace anomaly @ online
Mag 26@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Seminario di Fisica Teorica – Paolo Meda (Università di Genova e INFN di Genova)

A first approximation to describe the interplay between quantum matter and gravity is given by the quantum field on curved spacetimes and the semiclassical gravity, in which the backreaction of a quantum matter field propagating over a fixed spacetime geometry can be analyzed by using the so-called semiclassical Einstein equation. In this framework, the evaporation of four-dimensional spherically symmetric black holes can be explained by the appearance of an ingoing negative energy flux at the apparent horizon, which induces a negative variation of the black hole mass. I will show that this flux can be sourced by the trace anomaly of the quantum stress-energy tensor in case of a massless conformally-coupled scalar field once a certain averaged energy condition is assumed outside the horizon. As an example, I will compute the negative flux and the rate of evaporation in the Vaidya spacetime, which describes the exterior geometry of a null radiating star.

Per partecipare: collegarsi al meeting Zoom

Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271

CDS @ on-line
Mag 31@2:00 pm–3:00 pm

Consiglio di Sezione

Il Consiglio verterà sul seguente Ordine del Giorno:
1) Comunicazioni del Direttore dal Consiglio Direttivo
2) Nuova procedura acquisti in contanti (intervento di Barbara Artivi)
3) Varie ed eventuali

Gli esperimenti WA82 e WA92: un’eredità di silicio @ online
Giu 9@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Seminario Colloquium (D.Barberis, G.Darbo, C.Gemme, L.Rossi – INFN Sezione di Genova)

La sezione di Genova dell’INFN ha un ruolo leader in Italia, oramai da due decenni, nello sviluppo, nella realizzazione e nell’utilizzo dei rivelatori a Pixel di silicio. Questa attivita’ ha le sue radici negli esperimenti WA82 e WA92 fatti al SPS del CERN nel periodo 1985-1995. Il seminario descrive questi esperimenti, le tecniche utilizzate e i risultati raggiunti e si sofferma infine sui motivi che hanno consentito a Genova di diventare un laboratorio di riferimento per i rivelatori a pixel.

Per partecipare: collegarsi al meeting:
Topic: Seminario: ‘Gli esperimenti WA82 e WA92: un’eredità di silicio.’
Meeting ID: 613 5345 2752
Passcode: 128258

TOTEM and D0: the observation of the Odderon @ on-line
Giu 16@11:00 am–12:00 pm

Colloquium – Dr. Fabrizio Ferro (INFN Sezione di Genova)

The Odderon, first theorized in 1973, represents the C-odd counterpart of the Pomeron, the dominant Regge trajectory in the soft high energy diffractive interactions. The Odderon emerges not only in the Regge framework, but also in QCD theory where it can be modelled as an exchange of a colourless C-odd gluonic compound. States comprising two, three or more gluons are usually called “glueballs”, and their observation represents a key test of the QCD. The TOTEM experiment at LHC has performed total and differentialelastic p-p cross-section measurements at different LHC energies.
Since 2018 a first hint of the presence of the Odderon was found in TOTEM results. Now the discovery has been confirmed after a comparison with the p-bar-p data measured by the D0 collaboration at Fermilab. The comparison of the two experiment results led to the first experimental observation of the exchange of the Odderon with a significance of 5.4σ.

Per partecipare: collegarsi al meeting:
Topic: Colloquium: “TOTEM and D0: the observation of the Odderon”
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Passcode: 195167